Tsilhqot’in Deni ?igwedelh?anx

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Practicum Reflection: 1st Year, 1st Semester

It’s the end of week 4 and I’m having a great time but since we are only at practicum on Wednesday’s, I haven’t made a relationship with the whole class but it’s a working process. I’m enjoying my time at… Continue Reading →

BC Curriculum

Website: https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca. This website has been so helpful with learning the new curriculum. This website has it all covered from the core competencies, big ideas, rationale and goals, assessment, Indigenous resources, and the learning standards.

Literacy Instruction through an Indigenous Lens

Key Concepts   Parental Involvement– The result of various studies have shown increased involvement of parents in schools to positively affect the cognitive and social functioning of children.This can be modeled by involving parents in home reading programs, inviting them… Continue Reading →

Professional Standards for BC Educators

Website: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/education/kindergarten-to-grade-12/teach/teacher-regulation/standards-for-educators/edu_standards.pdf. This document protects the teachers themselves, and the families they serve. From caring for the students best interests, in summary, the Educators keep the students best interest in mind, and are responsible for the safety of the students… Continue Reading →


This is site is meant to provide a running start for building your ePortfolio in WordPress. If this is your first time using WordPress take a look at the How-To Guide to get started. Once you feel comfortable, you can… Continue Reading →

WordPress How-to Guide

We are here to help you create your ePortfolio, so do not hesitate to ask for technical support. To get started on creating your ePortfolio we suggest the following steps: The first steps: Log in if you have not already logged… Continue Reading →

Video Example

This post contains an embedded video from YouTube. You can paste the video URL into the page and the embed happens automatically.

Quote Example

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This is an example quote. This post uses the Blockquote formatting option in the WordPress text editor.

Link Example

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